Custom Components
In order to maintain consistency and streamline the design of the NMS, we've created a few custom components to help aid in the creation of dashboards, details, and config pages. This document will serve as a point of reference for future development and should be referred back to often as the components herein continue to change and evolve over time.
Card Title Row
The Card Title Row is a component you want to use anytime you are creating a title block within the app content area. Card Title Row takes in the following properties:
label Passes the label for the title row
icon Passes in an icon to be prepended to the label
() => React$Node
filter Passes in a filter on the opposite end of the row. This should be used if needing to apply something like a date/time picker
, edit button
, or content filter
to the title row.
// ...
function Filter() {
return (
<Grid container justifyContent="flex-end" alignItems="center" spacing={1}>
<Grid item>
<Text variant="body3" className={classes.dateTimeText}>
Filter By Time
<Grid item>
return (
label="Gateway Check-Ins"
Data Grid Components
The Data Grid component allows developers to quickly display information, whether it be a KPI or some other label, in whatever grid layout the design dictates. Data Grid affords developers the ability to easily add Icons, Status Indicators, Obscure Fields, and Collapse Content, all within the confines of a responsive grid in an easy-to-use format.
Data Grid Props
which make up DataGrid
take in the following properties to determine how each data entry should render and operate based on the specifics of the content you are making.
category Passes a category label for this specific data entry.
string | number
value Passes a value for this specific data entry.
unit Appends a unit string to the end of a value (e.g. '%'
icon Passes an Icon component to be used by this specific data entry.
obscure Passes the obscure field to a value, making it a toggle to render the value visible.
ComponentType | boolean
collapse Passes an element/component as a collapsable content. Can contain additional DataGrid
components. Can be set to false in case data may not always be available, removing the collapse from displaying.
statusCircle Passes a status indicator to be used by this specific data entry.
status Passes the state of the statusCircle
. True renders a green status indicator, and False renders a red status indicator.
statusInactive Passes the state of inactive to statusCircle
rendering a gray status indicator.
tooltip Passes a string that will be shown as a tooltip when hovering over a specific data entry. If the prop is not passed, the data entry value
is displayed instead.
KPI's with expandable table
const ran: DataRows[] = [
category: 'PCI',
value: gwInfo.cellular.ran.pci,
statusCircle: false,
category: 'eNodeB Transmit',
value: gwInfo.cellular.ran.transmit_enabled ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled',
statusCircle: false,
category: 'Registered eNodeBs',
value: gwInfo.connected_enodeb_serials?.length || 0,
collapse: <EnodebsTable gwInfo={gwInfo} enbInfo={enbInfo} />,
return <DataGrid data={ran} />;
KPI's including an obscure data point
const kpiData: DataRows[] = [
category: 'LTE Network Access',
value: subscriberInfo.lte.state,
category: 'Data plan',
value: dataPlan,
category: 'Auth Key',
value: authKey,
obscure: true,
return <DataGrid data={kpiData} />;
KPI row with parent label and icon
const data: DataRows[] = [
icon: CellWifiIcon,
value: 'Gateways',
category: 'Severe Events',
value: 0,
category: 'Connected',
value: upCount || 0,
category: 'Disconnected',
value: downCount || 0,
return <DataGrid data={data} />;
KPIs with status indicators
const data: DataRows[] = [
category: 'Health',
value: isGatewayHealthy(gwInfo) ? 'Good' : 'Bad',
statusCircle: true,
status: isGatewayHealthy(gwInfo),
category: 'Last Check in',
value: checkInTime.toLocaleString(),
statusCircle: false,
category: 'Event Aggregation',
value: eventAggregation ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled',
statusCircle: true,
status: eventAggregation,
category: 'Log Aggregation',
value: logAggregation ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled',
statusCircle: true,
status: logAggregation,
category: 'CPU Usage',
value: '0',
unit: '%',
statusCircle: false,
return <DataGrid data={data} />;