Deploy Charmed Magma Access Gateway
Management machine
- Ubuntu machine with internet access
Access Gateway machine
The Access Gateway must be installed on a machine with the following specifications:
- Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with Linux Kernel 5.4
- Processor: x86-64 dual-core processor (around 2GHz clock speed or faster)
- Memory: 4GB RAM
- Storage: 32GB or greater SSD
- Networking: At least two ethernet interfaces using two different subnets (SGi for internet connectivity and S1 for enodeB connectivity)
!!! danger
Installing this charm will affect the target computer's networking configuration. Make sure it is installed on designated hardware (personal computers are strongly discouraged).
!!! info
Some clouds like AWS use newer kernel versions by default. If you want to downgrade your kernel, please refer to the following [guide](
Set up your management environment
- Install Juju 2.9 on your management machine
- Create and bootstrap a manual cloud
- Add the Ubuntu machine to your manual cloud
Install Magma Access Gateway
=== "Option 1: DHCP network configuration"
Deploy Magma Access Gateway:
``` bash
juju deploy magma-access-gateway-operator --config sgi=enp0s1 --config s1=enp0s2 --channel=1.8/stable --to <AGW machine ID>
!!! info
The interface names will need to be adjusted based on your specific machine.
=== "Option 2: Static network configuration"
Create a file called `agw_config.yaml` that contains the following content:
``` yaml
sgi: enp0s1
sgi-ipv6-address: fd7d:3797:378b:a502::2/64
sgi-ipv6-gateway: fd7d:3797:378b:a502::1
s1: enp0s2
s1-ipv6-address: fd7d:3797:378b:a503::2/64
dns: '["", ""]'
!!! info
The interface names and IP addresses will need to be adjusted based on your specific machine.
Deploy Magma Access Gateway:
juju deploy magma-access-gateway-operator --config agw_config.yaml --channel=1.8/stable --to <AGW machine ID>