When we enable redirection for the subscriber the next request(next packet) is intercepted by the redirection server. The subscriber then completes the tcp handshake with the redirection server. After the tcp handshake is complete the subscriber sends an HTTP GET request and receives the HTTP 302 response from the redirection server. Then it establishes a new tcp connection with the redirection address provided in the 302 response and traffic to this address is allowed to go through pipelined.
HTTPS is not supported as without ssl certificates this isn't possible.
Server details
Redirectd runs a flask server which sends back HTTP 302(redirect) responses. The server uses redis to lookup redirect information for incoming requests. We save the information for subscribers in pipelined, using src_ip of request to redirect_info lookup. When no such information is found return a 404, this shouldn't happen, means redirect info wasn’t properly saved.
Redirectd is also a dynamic service, it is only launched when mconfig dynamic_services array has a 'redirectd' entry.
Redirection in pipelined
EnforcementController instantiates the required flows for forwarding subscriber traffic to the redirection server. Pipelined also saves the redirect information in redis using subcriber_ip as the key(mobilityd is used for getting the subcriber ip from imsi). All this is only done when subscriber PolicyRule has redirection enabled. Example PolicyRule with enabled redirection:
policy = PolicyRule(
Description of added flows:
- Add flow to allow UDP traffic so DNS queries can go through
- Add flows with a higher priority that allow traffic to and from the
redirection address provided in the redirect rule
- if address_type is url submit a dns query and allow access to resolved IPs, the resolved IPs are stored in a ttl cache to decrease num of dns requests
- if address_type is IPv4 allow access to that redirection IP address
- ignore IPv6 address_type redirection as we don't support it
- ignore SIP_URI address_type is not implemented
- Intercept tcp traffic from UE, send it to the redirection server, also
intercept tcp traffic from Redirection server and send it back to the UE.
This is done by adding an OVS flow with a learn action (when packets from UE
hit this flow a new flow will be instantiated to intercept traffic from
Redirection server)
- Flow matching TCP traffic from the user with port 80, modify&send packets to the Redirection server. The learn action will 'save' the original dst_ip address by loading it into the instantiated flow
- Flow instantiated from the learn action, matching TCP traffic from the server with the UE ip_addr/tcp_sport, modify&send packets back to UE
- Drop other traffic (default for all subscribers)
Packet path breakdown
Packet protocol diagram (only includes fields that are being checked):
| Source IP Address | Destination IP Address |
| TCP Source Port | TCP Destination Port |
UE ip:
Remote url ip:
Redirect server ip:
For the tcp handshake, initial HTTP request the traffic flow looks like this:
UE sends a packet to remote url
| | |
| 43040 | 80 |
Packet gets modified in EnforcementController, sent to the Redirection server
| | ** |
| 43040 | 80 |
Redirection server responds, packet is sent back into OVS
| | |
| 80 | 43040 |
Packet gets modified in EnforcementController, sent back to the UE
| ** | |
| 80 | 43040 |
After getting a 302 response from the redirect server the traffic can go
straight to the redirected address without being changed in pipelined
Redirection for CWF
In CWF networks there are a few alterations to make redirection logic work. Primarily the flows are different because in CWF we assign user IPs from DHCP, and we don't know the subscriber IP block, therefore we can't setup the ip route to have traffic from internal flask server go back to OVS.
To resolve this problem we need to rewrite the src IP address of the UE. As we already do this for the check quota service in CWF we take a lock when assigning an internal IP to prevent collisions. By assigning an internal IP in the same subnet as the Redirection server(which listens on OVS internal port) we get to use the deafult ip route that will send the redirect server responses back to OVS. We also add ARP response flows for the internal UE IP address so that we can proceed with the TCP handshake.
The rewrite process is simple, we rewrite the UE src ip on the way to redirection server, and by using ovs learn action rewrite the src IP/src mac as well as tcp ports on its way back to UE from redirection server. Other than this rewrite addition, the logic is the same as in LTE usecase above.