Deploy on Minikube
Deploying orchestrator on minikube is the easiest way to test changes to the helm charts. Most steps are similar to the main deployment guide, but there are some significant differences and many things in there you don't need to worry about.
Note: All terminal commands are run from HOST unless otherwise specified
Helm commands are written for Helm 3
Build and publish images
NOTE: you can skip this step if you want to use the official container images at
Follow the instructions at Building Orchestrator.
In the end you should have your container images published to a registry.
Setup Minikube and Helm
Setup minikube with the following command to give it enough resources and seed the metrics config files:
$ minikube start --memory=8192 --cpus=8 --kubernetes-version=v1.18.0 --mount --mount-string "${MAGMA_ROOT}/orc8r/cloud/docker/metrics-configs:/configs"
Note: This has been tested on MacOS. There are a lot of things that can go wrong with spinning up minikube, so if you have problems check for documentation specific to your system. Also make sure you are not connected to a VPN when running this command.
Now you can install preqrequisites for orc8r and create the magma namespace in kubernetes:
$ helm install \
postgresql \
--create-namespace \
--namespace magma \
--set global.postgresql.auth.postgresPassword=postgres,global.postgresql.auth.database=magma,fullnameOverride=postgresql \
Mysql is a requirement to run the NMS (you can skip this step if you don't want the NMS)
$ helm install mysql \
--namespace magma \
--set mysqlRootPassword=password,mysqlUser=magma,mysqlPassword=password,mysqlDatabase=magma \
Note: You may need to run
helm repo add bitnami
if the chart is not found
Generate Secrets
First you'll need to create a few certs and the kubernetes secrets that orchestrator uses.
Generate the NMS certificate
$ cd ${MAGMA_ROOT}/.cache/test_certs
$ openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -batch -keyout nms_nginx.key -out nms_nginx.pem -subj "/CN=*.localhost"
Move the certs to the charts directory
$ cd ${MAGMA_ROOT}/orc8r/cloud/helm/orc8r
$ mkdir -p charts/secrets/.secrets/certs
$ cp -r ../../../../.cache/test_certs/* charts/secrets/.secrets/certs/.
Create the kubernetes secrets
helm template orc8r charts/secrets \
--namespace magma \
--set-string secret.certs.enabled=true \
--set-file secret.certs.files."rootCA\.pem"=charts/secrets/.secrets/certs/rootCA.pem \
--set-file secret.certs.files."bootstrapper\.key"=charts/secrets/.secrets/certs/bootstrapper.key \
--set-file secret.certs.files."controller\.crt"=charts/secrets/.secrets/certs/controller.crt \
--set-file secret.certs.files."controller\.key"=charts/secrets/.secrets/certs/controller.key \
--set-file secret.certs.files."admin_operator\.pem"=charts/secrets/.secrets/certs/admin_operator.pem \
--set-file secret.certs.files."admin_operator\.key\.pem"=charts/secrets/.secrets/certs/admin_operator.key.pem \
--set-file secret.certs.files."certifier\.pem"=charts/secrets/.secrets/certs/certifier.pem \
--set-file secret.certs.files."certifier\.key"=charts/secrets/.secrets/certs/certifier.key \
--set-file secret.certs.files."nms_nginx\.pem"=charts/secrets/.secrets/certs/nms_nginx.pem \
--set-file secret.certs.files."nms_nginx\.key\.pem"=charts/secrets/.secrets/certs/nms_nginx.key \
--set=docker.registry=$DOCKER_REGISTRY \
--set=docker.username=$DOCKER_USERNAME \
--set=docker.password=$DOCKER_PASSWORD |
kubectl apply -f -
Create Values File
A minimum values file that can be used to deploy orc8r is at ${MAGMA_ROOT}/orc8r/cloud/helm/orc8r/examples/minikube_values.yml
Use that file and make sure to replace <DOCKER_REGISTRY>
with your registry and <TAG>
with your tag.
Save this file wherever you want.
Install with Helm
$ cd ${MAGMA_ROOT}/orc8r/cloud/helm/orc8r
$ helm dep update
$ helm install orc8r --namespace magma . --values=<path-to-values-file>
If everything worked you should get something like this:
$ kubectl -n magma get pods
mysql-57955549d5-n69pd 1/1 Running 0 6m14s
nms-magmalte-7c84667c4c-pvtlj 1/1 Running 0 2m58s
nms-nginx-proxy-5b86f479f7-lvjpn 1/1 Running 0 2m58s
orc8r-alertmanager-57d5d6ccc4-ht4n4 1/1 Running 0 2m58s
orc8r-alertmanager-configurer-76cf8f8f57-rmwjf 1/1 Running 0 2m58s
orc8r-controller-fdf59f456-vvqr2 1/1 Running 0 2m58s
orc8r-nginx-7d6c78647-n6d8z 1/1 Running 0 2m58s
orc8r-prometheus-77dccb799b-w9z6z 1/1 Running 0 2m58s
orc8r-prometheus-cache-6d647df4d9-2wqkc 1/1 Running 0 2m58s
orc8r-prometheus-configurer-6d6d987c88-pgm87 1/1 Running 0 2m58s
orc8r-user-grafana-6498bb6959-rchx5 1/1 Running 0 2m58s
postgresql-0 1/1 Running 4 6d23h
Access API
Create an admin user:
kubectl exec -it -n magma \
$(kubectl get pod -n magma -l -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}") -- \
/var/opt/magma/bin/accessc add-existing -admin -cert /var/opt/magma/certs/admin_operator.pem admin_operator
Now make sure that the API and your certs are working:
# Tab 1
kubectl -n magma port-forward $(kubectl -n magma get pods -l -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}") 9443:9443
# Tab 2
$ curl -k \
--cert MAGMA_ROOT/orc8r/cloud/helm/orc8r/charts/secrets/.secrets/certs/admin_operator.pem \
--key MAGMA_ROOT/orc8r/cloud/helm/orc8r/charts/secrets/.secrets/certs/admin_operator.key.pem \
Access NMS
Follow the instructions to Create an admin user
Port-forward nginx:
kubectl -n magma port-forward svc/nginx-proxy 8443:443
Login to NMS at https://magma-test.localhost:8443 using credentials: admin@magma.test/password1234