Access Gateway Configuration
Before beginning to configure your Magma Access Gateway, you will need to make sure that it is running all services without crashing. You will also need a working Orchestrator setup. Please follow the instructions in "Deploying Orchestrator" for a successful Orchestrator installation.
You will need to set up a super-user in a valid NMS Organization in order to use the NMS. See "NMS Multitenancy" to complete this step.
You also should have completed all the steps in "Access Gateway Setup (On Bare Metal)". For this part, we strongly recommend that you SSH into the AGW box from a host machine instead of using the AGW directly.
In this latest version, Magma Access Gateway no longer has a hardwired default Access Point Name (APN). Therefore, each UE must have a subscription profile that includes at least one APN to be able to attach to the network. Please follow the instructions in "APN Configuration".
Access Gateway Configuration
First, copy the root CA for your Orchestrator deployment into your AGW:
HOST$ scp rootCA.pem magma@
HOST$ ssh magma@
AGW$ sudo mkdir -p /var/opt/magma/tmp/certs/
AGW$ sudo mv rootCA.pem /var/opt/magma/tmp/certs/rootCA.pem
Then, point your AGW to your Orchestrator:
AGW$ sudo mkdir -p /var/opt/magma/configs
AGW$ cd /var/opt/magma/configs
AGW$ sudo vi control_proxy.yml
Put the following contents into the file:
cloud_port: 443
bootstrap_port: 443
fluentd_port: 24224
rootca_cert: /var/opt/magma/tmp/certs/rootCA.pem
Then restart your services to pick up the config changes:
AGW$ sudo service magma@* stop
AGW$ sudo service magma@magmad restart
Creating and Configuring Your Network
Navigate to your NMS instance,, and log in with the superuser credentials you provisioned for this organization. If this is a fresh Orchestrator install, you will be prompted to create your first network. Otherwise, select "Create Network" from the network selection icon at the bottom of the left sidebar.
Fill out the network creation modal with the parameters that you want. There are 3 steps in the modal window, but the network will be created after you hit "Save and Continue" on the first screen, so you can exit the modal and reconfigure the network later after that.
Registering and Configuring Your Access Gateway
You need to grab the hardware secrets off your AGW:
Hardware ID:
Challenge Key:
Navigate to "Equipment" on the NMS via the left navigation bar, hit "Add Gateway" on the upper right, and fill out the multi-step modal form. Use the secrets from above for the "Hardware UUID" and "Challenge Key" fields.
For now, you won't have any eNodeB's to select in the eNodeB dropdown under the "Ran" tab. This is OK, we'll get back to this in a later step.
At this point, you can validate the connection between your AGW and Orchestrator:
AGW$ journalctl -u magma@magmad -f
# Look for the following logs
# INFO:root:Checkin Successful!
# INFO:root:[SyncRPC] Got heartBeat from cloud
# INFO:root:Processing config update gateway_id
If everything looks OK, you can move on to configuring your eNodeB.